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Commercial Solar Panels for Hotels

In the modern hospitality landscape, where sustainability is increasingly vital, hotels are stepping up to embrace green energy practices. At Tarven Solar Energy, we are aware of the distinct energy requirements that hotels face, and we provide customised solar energy systems tailored to meet these needs while minimising environmental impact. 

Our world-class solar technologies are engineered in a way to help hotels of all kinds reduce their energy costs, decrease dependence on conventional sources of energy, and show their commitment to eco-friendly practices. Opting for solar power with us not only bolsters a hotel’s green reputation but also delivers considerable long-term savings and greater energy autonomy. To discover how our bespoke hotel solar panels can advance your property and the planet, contact us at 020 3937 5575 or send an email to enquiries@tarvenlimited.co 

Best Practices for Hotel Solar Panel Installation

For hoteliers who look forward to embracing renewable solar energy, the installation of solar panels requires careful planning and execution. 

  • Our advice to them is to start by choosing a reliable solar provider like us. We are experienced in commercial projects, particularly within the hospitality sector. 
  • We, as experts, consider it essential to assess the structural integrity of buildings to support the additional weight of the panels. 
  • Our team suggests the use of aesthetically pleasing designs and sustainable hotel energy solutions to blend with your hotel’s architecture. 
  • Additionally, we ensure maximum exposure to sunlight while having a minimum visual impact on guest areas. 


Proper positioning of solar panels optimises energy efficiency and maintains the hotel’s aesthetic and guest experience. 

Cost of Installing Solar Panels as Hotel Sustainability Initiative

Exploring sustainable initiatives for your hotel?  

Solar panels are an innovative, eco-friendly choice, offering not just environmental benefits but significant financial benefits, too. In the hospitality sector, where every penny counts, reducing energy costs can significantly benefit your bottom line. 

Our team comes up with tailored solar solutions designed to fit your hotel’s unique demands and structure. To provide you with a quote, we start with a free on-site assessment. This helps us understand the specific needs and layout of our prospective client. Also, it allows us to come up with a proposal that maximises your investment in terms of energy savings and operational efficiency. 

Installing solar panels in your hotel is not just about going green—it is also a financially savvy move. Guests are increasingly drawn to eco-friendly hotels and present you as a committed environment-sustainability organisation. It can set you apart in a competitive market, too. Ready to start saving and set your hotel up for future success? Give us a call for a personalised quote, free of any obligation. Let us make your hotel a leader in sustainability together. 

Our Solar Panel Installation Process in Hotels

Discover our streamlined process for installing solar panels at your hotel: 

Installing solar panels

Schedule A Complimentary Survey

Contact us to arrange a free evaluation of your hotel for optimal solar panel placement.

Survey Execution

Our experienced technicians will assess your hotel to determine the best locations for maximum solar energy capture. 

Quote Delivery

Receive a detailed, no-obligation quote customised to your hotel’s specific solar installation needs. 

Installation Of Solar Panels

Our professionals will efficiently install solar panels, handling all aspects of planning and coordination with minimal disruption to your guests. 

Why Choose Us for Your Solar PV Installations in Hotels


NICEIC-Approved Contractors

Choose us for your hotel’s solar installations and benefit from working with NICEIC-approved contractors. This accreditation is proof that we adhere to the highest standards in electrical safety and installation quality, providing a foundation of trust and reliability for your solar projects. 


Unparalleled Workmanship

Our solar PV installations are characterised by exceptional workmanship. We focus on precision, durability, and aesthetic integration with your hotel’s design. Each installation is conducted with attention to detail, ensuring that your solar solutions are not only practical but also enhance the appearance of your property. 


Excellent Service

We are committed to providing excellent service throughout your solar installation journey. Our team offers ongoing support, ensuring that any inquiries or needs are addressed swiftly and effectively. We take all measures to make the hotel solar installation process as smooth and hassle-free as possible. 


5-year Workmanship Warranty

When you choose our services, you receive a robust 5-year warranty on workmanship. This warranty underscores our commitment to quality and the longevity of our installations. With us, you must rest assured that your investment in solar technology is protected and that we are dedicated to delivering superior service. 


Our Expertise With All Kinds Of Hotels ​

At our company, we recognise various hotel types of distinctive characteristics and operational demands, from quaint Bed & Breakfasts to expansive chain hotels and bustling conference centres. We are adept at customising solar panel systems to meet each property’s unique architectural styles and energy needs. 


For Bed & Breakfast establishments, adopting solar panels means more than just sustainable energy—it's a strategic enhancement that differentiates your locale. B&B owners can enjoy reduced energy costs and potential eligibility for governmental incentives, all while offering guests a greener stay. Our skilled team is proficient in fitting solar solutions to both pitched and flat roofs, ensuring that no matter the structure of your B&B, we can enhance it with optimal solar efficiency.


Chain hotels, with their extensive facilities and constant high energy usage for lighting, heating, and air conditioning, stand to gain significantly from the integration of solar technology. Solar panels help these hotels slash energy costs and minimise their environmental footprint. Our extensive experience includes adapting solar solutions to diverse roof types, making us a reliable partner in your transition to renewable energy. 


Conference hotels, which often experience high energy consumption due to their extensive use of lighting and event equipment, can significantly benefit from solar installations. Implementing solar technology not only cuts down on operating costs but also contributes to the hotel's commitment to sustainability. Solar panels requiring minimal upkeep provide a durable, eco-friendly energy solution that enhances your hotel's reputation as a forward-thinking, environmentally responsible business.